Eiqa In The House

Eiqa In The House

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

все будет хорошо!

все будет хорошо!
Доверяйте себе и доверия Богу
И поверьте мне, все будет хорошо! :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I Have A Dream

I have a dream.
A very big one.
I wish that someday I'll be someone big.

I know I'm already a BIG fat girl.
But it's not that what I mean.
I wanna become someone who is really2 BIG.
Someone with Big TALENTS.

I have a dream.
A dream to have a one big night for me
to sing in a huge auditorium hall.
Accompanied along with a melodious orchestra tunes
that backed me up while I'm singing.
And yes, the back up singers too.

And the next morning,
I'll be rushing to the hospital.
Rushing to fix a 2 year old boy
Who is all ready to let me cut his chest up.
Because he is suffering from a very severe heart disease.

But they are just a dream.
A dream that I can only see in my sleep.
I can't be BOTH.
I won't make it even if I have the chance to do so.

They are just a dream.
A dream to become A professional singer
And pediatric surgeon at the same time.
I know that.
But somehow I wonder.
What will it be if the dream will finally come true?

I'm just wondering.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


We were close to each other.
Now everyone has their own things to deal with.
Including me.
Hope life is a fairytale after all.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Saya Tahu

Saya tahu lah saya ni gemuk.
Tak payah lah nak ejek saya.

Saya tahu lah saya ni tak pandai.
Tak payah lah nak ejek saya.

Saya tahu lah saya ni tak cantik.
Tak payah lah nak ejek saya.

Saya tahu lah saya tak perfect.
Tak payah lah nak ejek saya.

Tak payah lah ejek saya.
Sebab semua tu memang saya dah tahu.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I have a crush on you.
I hope you too feel the same way.
but I know where I stand.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Semangat, Semangat!

There's no turning back. You can do it!
ok thank u.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Saya ada 2 mak.
1 mak betul, yg mengandung dan melahirkan saya.
1 lagi mak tiri, yg membesarkan saya sejak saya berumur 10 tahun,

Mak selalu bagi iqa apa iqa nk dari kecik..
mintak je mak mesti bagi.
iqa sukaaaaaa~
mak sayang iqa..
masa kecik2 pakai specs mak bagi iqa pakai specs yg tebal2 tu siap ada tali lagi sangkut kat leher.
lepas kawan2 ejek kat sekolah iqa mintak yg cool sikit, yg comel2.. iqa mintak specs snoopy.
terus mak belikan yg baru.. weeeeeeee

bila iqa mintak phone baru sebiji macam mak punya, mak cakap " dapat 5A dulu utk UPSR".
bila dapat on the spot kita pegi beli phone baru....
iqa tau mak syg iqa...
mak nk iqa berjaya dalam hidup sebab tu mak bagi iqa semua yg iqa nak.

iqa pun sayang kat auntie.
Auntie dah mcm mama betul iqa...
masa time kat rumah ada je kite gossip2..
apa je auntie masak mesti sedap..
paella, couscous, sinigang, som tam, hokkien mee...
iqa rindu semua tu...
bila shopping auntie je tau taste iqa...
apa yg auntie suka tu mesti iqa suka...
bila weekdays bapak tak bagi tengok movie malam2 sebab the next day ada sekolah,
tapi bila bapak dah tidur, senyap2 auntie kejut iqa kite tengok midnight movie sama2!

Bila iqa sakit masuk hospital,
dua2 mak datang tgk iqa kat Moscow.
dua2 jaga iqa kat hospital.
Thank u mak, mama.

Iqa rasa happy ada dua mama.
beruntung ada mak yg ambil berat.
beruntung ada mak tiri yg anggap anak tiri macam anak sendiri.

Thank u mak and mama Because of you both I became who I am right now. :)